This study was carried out at the Tektek Station of GAP Soil and Water
Resources and Agricultural Research Institute in Sanliurfa during 1994-2008 years
to determine suitable pistachio cultivars for irrigated conditions. Pistacia khinjuk
was used as rootstock and 14 pistachio cultivars and types were compared. They
were ‘Uzun’ and ‘Siirt’ as domestic; and ‘Kerman’, ‘Ohadi’, ‘Vahidi’, ‘Mumtaz’
and ‘Haciserifi’ as foreign; and ‘Sel 1 named as Tekin’, ‘Sel 2’, ‘Sel 5’, ‘Sel 10’, ‘Sel
11 named as Barak Yildizi’, ‘Sel 14’ and ‘Sel 15’ types (selected by Pistachio
Research Institute in Gaziantep). Orchards were irrigated by drip irrigation system.
Yield and quality characteristics of the cultivars and types were determined for last
5 years (2004-2008 years). Phenological observations were also carried out in 2008.
The higheer yields were obtained from ‘Mumtaz’, ‘Tekin’ and ‘Sel 5’, while the
lower values were from ‘Barak Yildizi’, ‘Kerman’ and ‘Sel 15’. Pomological
characteristics were observed to determine the nut quality. The best results were
obtained from ‘Mumtaz’ and ‘Vahidi’ for 100 dry fruits weight; from ‘Siirt’,
‘Tekin’, ‘Sel 2’ and ‘Sel 5’ for split nuts; and from ‘Ohadi’, ‘Siirt’ and ‘Tekin’ for
kernel ratio. Regarding result of the Weighted-Rankit test; ‘Tekin’, ‘Mumtaz’ and ‘Sel 5’
have been determined as suitable pistachio cultivars for irrigated conditions for
Southeast of Turkey