Rhesus D (Rh⁃D) antigen alloimmunization has been a focus of concern for hematologists and obstetricians. It contributes to perinatal morbidity and mortality. In this study, it was aimed to design a geographic data profile for mothers who are Rh(D) negative and produced Anti-D antibody at Erbil city. In our study, we collected 1028 (blood samples) from Mothers who is Rh(D) negative and Fathers who are Rh(D) positive. We performed ABO and RhD typing tests for all samples (Fathers and Mothers), then tested all mother samples for Du test and performed antibody screening for all mothers sample. All the mothers’ blood samples have been divided into five different Age category 20-25: 35 (7%), 26-30: 165 (32%), 31-35: 191 (37%), 36-40: 112 (22%), and over 40: 11 (2%), Age groups. The most common blood type among Rh-negative mothers was Group O which was (42.4%), followed by A, B and AB groups which were 27.6%, 26.7% and 3.7%, respectively. The highest percentage of Anti D positive antibody was in (36-40) age category which was 44%, followed by 22% in both (26-30) and (31-35) and 11% in (over 40) Age category, and there was not any positive case inside (20-25) Age category. Haemolytic illness brought on by ABO incompatibility and other alloantibodies have thus become the main cause of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. It is important to provide this data to prevent negative effects on newborns and to provide antigen-negative blood urgently.