Paraesophageal hiatal hernia is an uncommon condition that requires urgent correction to pre-vent life-threatening complications. It is present in 14% of all hiatal hernias. The incidence of Morgagni her-nia among all diaphragmatic defects is 3 – 4% and about 90% of the hernias occur on the right, 8% arebilateral and 2% are on the left. The combination of a Morgagni hernia and paraesophageal hernia is veryrareand only four cases have been reported in the literature. All of them occurred in the right. This reportdescribes an old case admitted to our clinic with dyspnea, chest pain and chronic gastrointestinal symptoms,found to have combined left Morgagni and paraesophageal hernia. Surgical repair was performed via trans-abdominal approach. This unusual case and surgical approaches are discussed in light of the data presented inthe literature