Aim: Lipoid proteinosis (LP) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that occurs with the accumulation of hyaline substance in oral
cavity, laryngeal mucosa and skin. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of laryngeal involvement in patients with
LP which have hoarseness and skin lesions, and the areas of hyaline substance accumulation in the larynx.
Material and Methods: In this study, 21 patients who were admitted to our Dermatology outpatient clinic between January 2013 and
December 2017 and diagnosed as LP with punch biopsy were evaluated. Laryngeal imaging was performed in otorhinolaryngology
clinic, and the frequency of larynx involvement and the areas of hyaline accumulation in the larynx were evaluated.
Results: Twenty-one patients with hoarseness and diagnosed by skin biopsy as LP were included in the study. Thickening of
the vocal cords in 21 patients (100%); thickening and hypertrophic changes of arytenoids in 13 patients (61.9%); thickening and
hypertrophic changes of the interarytenoid area in 10 patients (47.6%); thickeningand hypertrophic changes of epiglottis in 3 (14.3%)
patients; hypertrophic changes and thickening of the aryepiglottic fold in 3 patients (14.3%); thickening and hypertrophic changes of
ventricular folds in 2 patients (9.5%) were observed.
Conclusion: In our study, similar to the data in the literature, the pathological changes were most frequently seen in the vocal cords
and the least in the ventricle band, aryepiglottic fold and epiglottis. In order to better understand the laryngeal involvement and the
areas of involvement in LP patients, studies with more patients are needed.