Harran Üniversitesi Açık Erişim

Kur`an`a göre toplumun yapılanmasında ilim ve alimin rolü / Role of science and scientist to build society according to the Koran

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dc.contributor.author TAN, ZEKİ
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-10T09:47:40Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-10T09:47:40Z
dc.date.issued 2002
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11513/121
dc.description.abstract Religion begins when the first person created. During the history root of sacred effected each person deeply. Religion of aims are to make human slave to God and not to make human salve to human. And it is a kind of cement that connects people each other. All the time prophets and Warners were sent to inform societies and humanity. Religion is suitable and open to any comment. This activity provides religion universal. Each regions' intellectual makes comment. And it is also up to condition of society. Because sacred solids could be alive by the scientists. And only scientists can make comments. If we can not comments about solid it can plug society. It must not base to society. It is a kind of duty and necessity to make comment about sacred solid. If we want to develop our society we must not separate humanity. Whereas God wants us to be a good simple and leader for society. The first order of İslâm is (read). The korans1 target is to institute a kind of "science" we can get a science society. If we do not develop our opinions of course there will be degeneration. Like inflation in our life and society. Science moved by the scientists to our soiety. The scientists should have some specialists and morals. It means a scientist should have responsibility, morls hope. And a scientists should be patient, merciful, humble, torelant, right, reliable and informed. Because having less morals prevents structures. The scientist are very important structuring societies. It is also up to scientist to improve society. Also scientist to improve society. Also scientists have to show us the exits, when we have problems and we are in chaos. During the history humanity have been looking for escaping chaos. When humanity pay attention to holy they find peace, but when they do not they can not find peace and the right way. en_US
dc.language.iso tr en_US
dc.subject Ahlak = Morality ; Bilim adamı = Scientist ; Toplumsal yapılanma = Social structuring ; İlim = Science ; İslam alimleri = Islamic scholars ; İslamiyet = Islam en_US
dc.title Kur`an`a göre toplumun yapılanmasında ilim ve alimin rolü / Role of science and scientist to build society according to the Koran en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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