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Başlık: Ehl-i sünnet ve şianın imamette dayandığı hadisler
Yazarlar: Ünalan, Abdullah
Anahtar kelimeler: Ehl-i sünnet = Ehl-i sunna ; Hadis = Hadith ; İmamet = Imamet ; İslamiyet = Islam ; Şia = Şia
Yayın Tarihi: 1998
Özet: SUMMARY Pervading every front of life, Islam puts forth an ideal model living which was practised by the Holy Prophet. On of the most important fronts of life is that an integral part of man is his ability of being social. The way to tha social life is the presence of an outhority and laws and prineipples upon which thas outhority is based; and the way to the maintenance of these laws and prineipples is the emergence of thas outhority in a legal setting and in a right way. This outhority which is expressed with imamet conception in Islam is one of the fundamental prineipples of Islamic order. After the death of the Holy Prophet, this principple had been a crucial one and will continue to be. Oue to its prominence muslim communities were divided into various understandings and schools while they happened to bring this princapple into discussion. Among these divided lines, Ehlu's-Sunne and Şîa have ventured to survive until our time, where as some of them ceased to excist. In our dissertation we have touched on the ideas and discussions foccused on imamet, and made an assessment about the hadiths being taben as evidences by these two understendings. we have constituted four sections: l.Hz. EbuBekir 2. Hz. Ömer 3. Hz. Osman 4. Hz. Ali Hadiths and discussions were analysed in terms of the obove categories. We hope that, this thesis, which has been prepared objectively, will be useful for our science and coulture. 358
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11513/65
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