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dc.contributor.authorNAS, HALEF-
dc.description.abstractÖZET Osmanlı Devleti kendi modernle me sürecini ya amı tır. Osmanlı modernle mesi edebiyat, sanat, askeri ve hukuk gibi farklı sahalarda görülmü tür. Bu çalı mada modern Türk iirinde gelene in izleri incelenmi tir. Bu çalı ma u kısımlara ayrılmı tır. Giri kısmında, edebiyatta modernizm ve gelene in ne oldu u sorusu incelenmi tir. Modernizm ve gelenek arasındaki ili ki gösterilmi tir. Birinci bölümde, modernizmin gelene e bakı açısı olan düalist yapı, modern Türk iirinin dönemlerine dayalı olarak incelenmi tir. kinci bölümde, Tanzimat, döneminde yazılan seçilmi iirlerden, medeniyet, insan dü üncesinin olu umu, akıl ve hürriyet gibi kavramlarda modernizm ve gelene in yansımaları incelenmi tir. Üçüncü bölümde, modernizm ve gelenek arasındaki tartı malar ara tırılmı ve modern Türk iirinde gelene e yöneli anlatılmı tır. Çalı manın ana konusu olan son bölümde, geleneksel imajları iirlerinde kullanan Yahya Kemal, Behçet Necatigil, Hilmi Yavus, Be ir Ayvazo lu, Sezai Karakoç gibi airler ve adı geçen airlerin iirlerinde görülen geleneksel imajlar üzerinde durulmu tur. Çalı manın sonunda bir de erlendirme verilmi tir. SUMMARY Ottoman State had lived his own modernity process. Ottoman modernity had seen in field such as literature, art, military and love. During this modernity porcess tradition was continue, too. Overtime this condition came into being a conflict of tradition and modernism. In this study, the effect of tradition on modern Turkish poem has been considered. This study divided into an introduction and four chapters. In the first chapter, the question of what the modernism and tradition was examined. The relationship between modernism and tradition was pointed out. In the second chapter, the inflection of both modernism and tradition to the concepts such as civilisation, human being mind and freedom was examined by considering the chosen poems written in Administrative Reforms period. In the third chapter, the literal discussions between modernism and tradition was explored inclination to tradition in modern Turkish poem was examplified. In the last chapter, which is the main topic of study, the poets such as Yahya Kemal, Behçet Necatigil, Hilmi Yavuz, Be ir Ayvazo lu, Sezai Karakoç who often use traditional images and their poems were examined the effect of tradition on above named poets was dweet on. At the end of the study a conclusion was given. 1en_US
dc.subjectTürk Dili ve Edebiyatı = Turkish Language and Literatureen_US
dc.titleModern Türk şiirinde geleneğin izleri / Traces of the tradition in modern Turkish literatureen_US
Appears in Collections:Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü

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