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Title: Hekzaklorosiklotrifosfazenin RMgX, RLi VE RZnX türü organometalik bileşiklerle reaksiyonlarının incelenmesi / Investigation of the reactions of hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene with organometallics as RMgX, RLi and RZnX compounds
Keywords: Kimya = Chemistry
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: Bu çalismada, hekzaklorosiklotrifosfazenle (I) RMgX, RLi ve RZnX organometalik bilesiklerle reaksiyonlar gerçeklestirildi. RMgX bilesigi tiyo-2-il- magnezyum bromür ve n- bütilmagnezyum bromür kullanildi. RLi bilesigi olarak 2-tiyenillityum ve n- bütillityum kullanildi. RZnX bilesigi olarak 2-tiyenilçinko bromür ve n-bütilçinko bromür kullanildi. Reaksiyonlar, farkli organometalik bilesikler kullanildigindan farkli sartlarda gerçeklestirildi. I ile RMgX reaksiyonu toluen çözücüsünde oda sicakliginda 2 hafta devam ettirildi. I ile RLi reaksiyonu toluen çözücüsünde oda sicakliginda 2 gün devam ettirildi. I ile RZnX reaksiyonu toluen çözücüsünde sicakta 7 gün devam ettirildi. I ile RMgX ve RZnX bilesiklerin reaksiyonundan sübstitüe siklotrifosfazen 31 olusmadigi P NMR spektroskopisiyle belirlendi. I ile 2-tiyenillityumun reaksiyonundan ise hekza(2-tiyenil)siklotrifosfazenin (VII) sentezlendi. Bu çalismada sentezlenen bilesikler infrared, 1 H, 13 31 C and P NMR spektroskopisi ve elementel analizle karakterize edildi. VII 31 bilesiginde fosfazen halkasinin oldugu infrared ve P NMR spektroskopisiyle belirlendi. VII bilesiginin IR spektrumunda siklotrifosfazendeki halka P=N bagina ait karakteristik olan gerilme titresiminden dolayi 1219 cm-1 de siddetli absorbans görüldü. Bu spektrumlarda diger pikler C-H, N-H, C=C, P-O-C ve P-N titresimleri için tespit edilebildi. VII bilesiginin tam 31 31 sübstitüe oldugu P NMR spektroskopisiyle belirlendi. P NMR spektrumunda 13.99 ppm de singlet olarak bir pik görüldü. II ve III bilesiklerinin 1 H ve 13 C NMR spektrum analizi de yapilari dogrulamaktadir. Bu çalismada, RMgX ve RZnX bilesiklerinin reaksiyonla rinda sübstitüe siklotrifosfazen bilesikleri sentezlenemedi. RLi reaksiyonunda hekza(2- tiyenil)siklotrifosfazenin (VII) bilesigi sentezlendi. In this study, hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene (I) was treated with thiophen-2- yl- magnesium bromide (II), n-butylmagnesium bromide (IV), 2-thienyllithium (VI), n-butyllithium (VIII), 2-thienylzinc bromide ( ) and n-butylzinc bromide ( II) X X reagents in THF solvent at hot and room temperature under argon atmosphere. Organocyclotriphosphazene derivates were not isolated in the reactions of RMgX and RZnX reagents. But, fully substituted hexa(2-thienyl)cyclotriphosphazene(VII) was synthesized by the reaction of I with 2-thienyllithium. The synthesized compounds in this study were characterized by infrared, 1 H, 13 C and 31 P NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The absent or presence of the 31 phosphazene ring in the compounds was confirmed by infrared and P NMR 31 spectroscopies. The infrared and P NMR spectra of III, V, IX, XI and XIII compounds were not showed characteristic peaks of phosphorus and the P=N band in 31 cyclotriphosphazenes. The infrared and P NMR spectrum of VII compound were showed characteristic peaks of phosphorus and the P=N band in cyclotriphosphazenes. The elemental analysis values found and calculated are suitable structure of VII. The fully substitution of compound VII was confirmed by 31 31 P NMR spectroscopy. The P NMR spectrum was showed a peak at 13.99 ppm as a singlet. 1 H and 13 C NMR spectra of II and III compounds also provided a complete proof of structures. In this study, desired organophsophazenes derivates could not beisolated. Hexa(2-thienyl)cyclotriphosphazene(VII) could be synthesized by the reaction of I with 2-thienyllithium.
Appears in Collections:Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü

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